Planning for data management
The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) checklist for a Data Management Plan is a useful reference if new to developing a data management plan (DMP). The DCC DMP template is available in the DMPTool ( If a DMP template is not available in the DMPTool, then the default DMP template is the DCC DMP template.
- DCC. (2013). Checklist for a Data Management Plan. v.4.0. Edinburgh: Digital Curation Centre. Available online:
Researchers need to plan for data sharing, records management, long-term preservation, and retention schedules for data. The Records Management at UF provides important guidance on research records and data. The Institutional Review Board provides important information on research data storage and security guidelines. Below are UF Records Management and Uf Institutional Review (IRB) resources to assist researchers in planning for data management before, during, and after funded research.
- UF Research Lifecycle –
- UF Research Records and Data –
- Research Data is Institutional Property –
- Data/Record Storage and Security –
- Destruction of Data –
Select online training resources
- DataONE Data Management Skillbuilding Hub. Initially developed in 2011-2012 by the DataONE Community Engagement and Outreach Working Group, the resources were published online at education modules. In 2015-2016 the modules underwent peer-review and revisions.
- ESIP Data Management Short Courses for Scientists –
- Guidelines for Responsible Data Management in Scientific Research from the US Office of Research Integrity.
Finding Datasets
- Datasets: Where to Find Them has links to subject-specific depositories.
- Your library subject specialist can help.
Finding Researchers
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID ID) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from every other researcher.
- VIVO is a research-focused discovery tool that enables collaboration among scientists across all disciplines. Browse or search information on people, departments, courses, grants, and publications.
Grant and other funding information
- UF Office of Research Division of Sponsored Programs
- UF External Funding Resources –